I'm not sure what I would have accomplished, but if I was NOT raised a JW I can tell you what I would NOT have accomplished.
1. I would not have publicly announced I wanted to kill myself at age 11.
2. I would not have received beating after beating(not spankings) for falling asleep during meetings.
3. I would not have been made fun of my entire life in school and in my neighborhood.
4. I would have had a childhood.
5. I would know what it's like to get birthday and christmas presents.
6. I would not have dropped out of highschool.(Who needs school when you CANT go to college and all you can do is preach)
7. I would not have been depressed for as long as I can remember, and would not have social anxiety disorder.
8. I would not have random panic attacks for no reason.
9. I would not have had to live in fear of doing anything the WTS said was wrong in fear I would die a horrible death at Armageddon.
I don't want to bore you all with anymore but my first child was born last month. You know how you say I'm going to give her/him what I never had? Well most mean material possesions, when we say that we mean a happy childhood. I already warned my mom if she ever preaches to her or takes her into a KH that will be the last time she ever sees her.
Now that I think of it I know what I would have accomplished if I had the support that girls parents gave her. I'd live a happy care free life not fearing that the normal human desires and thoughts I had would not have gotten me destroyed at armageddon.